Watch this transformational movie about the journey of six public speakers

Big Stages movie
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About the Movie

Aspiring public speakers go on a journey of deep transformation delving into the emotional and physical challenges they must conquer in order to speak effectively for global audiences. Guided by award-winning director and speaker mentor Tricia Brouk, they embark on inspiring paths, facing setbacks along the way in order to develop powerful speaking skills. Inside the intimate process, these determined speakers discover the power within, embrace their own unique voice, and build up resilience to make it to the world’s biggest stages.

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Awards for the Big Stages Movie

The Big Stages movie has been nominated for 8 international film festivals and won 5 awards.

About Tricia Brouk

The Big Stages documentary features the work of Tricia Brouk, international award winning director, author, and producer. Tricia has put thousands of speakers onto countless big stages. She designs speaker platforms for thought-leaders all over the world, and mentors her community of speakers with over three decades of expertise in theatrical performance.

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About the Film Makers

Patryk & Kasia Wezowski are film directors/producers, authors, and educators on a mission to inspire ten million lives by making movies that make a difference in the world. 
Through their fundraising, they have produced and directed 5 inspiring documentaries with a combined budget of $6,000,000+, and their films have won over 30 film festival awards.

Tricia Brouk loved their movies, and their mission of making inspiring documentaries that make a difference in the world, so she has officially sanctioned Patryk & Kasia to make a full feature documentary together to inspire viewers about a backstage tour of the high stakes world of public speaking.

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What Viewers Say

Here are a few excerpts from reviews on IMDb:

“A perfect marriage of public speaking and the silver screen.”

“I found this documentary incredibly insightful as she she helps her speakers learn that their voice matters and that their message is destined to help someone in the audience that needs to hear it in that moment.”

“Such a smart, thoughtful documentary…”

“Evocative, emotional look at the Rolls Royce of speaker coaches and how to be an influential voice”

Meet the Cast

Michelle Arpin Begina

Financial Advisor / Executive Producer

Mark Fujiwara

Founder / Executive Producer

Marie-Elizabeth Mali

Personal Growth Expert / Executive Producer

Wayne Pernell

Executive Coach / Executive Producer

Dona Edwards

Adaptive Fashion Ambassador

Annika Sörensen

Stress Management Mentor

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